Sunday, February 26, 2017

Blog post #G.....chapter 10.

Topic one.. Universal Design for learning.. which is a concept of architecture, which is a new approach in which schools can better serve all students to the best of their ability. This means that students with adaptations can move around freely. For example students in wheelchairs can get from the street to the sidewalk safely. The UDL has also used many advancements to accommodate a broad span of students needs when it comes to the design in the curriculum.
Topic two....Word clouds, which is a visual representation of words or text. This cloud allows a person to view a large amount of words in one visual setting. This type of program uses a document and finds the most common and or keywords to be pick out and put into a visual perspective. As seen above I have done an example for chapter 10. I have listed the main point and keywords for this chapter and the program has rearranged the words to flow and help one get a perspective on what chapter 10 in this case would be about.
Topic two... Adaptations for classroom learning with technology. There are three types of accommodations, low-tech, mid-tech and high-tech. Sounds a little complicated but to put it in another perspective and to give you a short definition to explain each of these would be as followed. Low tech would be considered easy and without digital materials. Mid tech allows digital materials and can give leeway in the curriculum. High tech is where computers and other specialized material are in the classroom.  I do believe that if a child is not understand or needs extra help because of a disability this is how it comes into play.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Guadalupe Aguilera ( Dec 28, 2013)  Assistive Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved February 26 , 2017 at

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Blog Post #E.....Chapter 7

               Software for teaching and learning is a big deal in the education department in the year 2017. Software keeps getting larger and computers are a major part of learning that just keeps growing larger everyday. There are different types of software like system, application, standard and even open-source. A system software is in charge of the function and control of a computer. Application software has specific functions that produce a verity of services. Standard software are tools on the computer such as a document, file or data transfer. Open source software is for anyone t use, copy and recreate to make their own at little to no cost. Each of these types of software are unique and can take teaching and learning to a new level more and more things are learned.
              Computer games as learning resources for students is huge now. I have seen my brothers come home with different websites to use as a learning tool. Videos and web-based games are the new way of learning. There have been a lot of debates about how games and gaming can be bad for the youths brain. From what research has shown this has actually helped with many areas of the brain and learning. Games have been a huge boom when it comes to learning and brain simulation for students and it just keeps growing.


 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.